
PS2000/E – Refurbishment and evolution of CEE PS2000 systems

Products family : SCADA Sector : Supervision, Generation, Industry From the beginning of the 1980s until its acquisition in July 2000, CEE has installed many systems of supervision of HV networks , and in particular the PS2000 system. While still efficient , these systems come gradually obsolescence phase. ICE offers an powerful and economic solution…

PS8000 Energy – The core of PS8000 system

Products family : SCADA Sector : Supervision, Generation, Industry, Railway Based on ZENON and STRATON, by COPA -DATA , PS8000 Energy is the PS8000 system software part . The supervisor PS8000 Energy was developed with the latest technologies and have a lot of integrated or optional modules: • Animated multi screen view • Client /…

PS8000 – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

Products family : SCADA Sector : Supervision, Generation, Industry, Railway To fulfil the need of managers to assure the continuity of installations and the security of their staff, ICE proposes a financially accessible and evolving system called PS8000. The main part of this new generation system is the scada software called PS8000 Energy. It allows…

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Unit 1 195 Kooyong Rd,
Caulfield North,
3161 VIC, Australia

Telephone: +61 (0) 430 149 665