Protection Relays

UTU Low Voltage ARC Protection System-Falcon Lite

The Falcon Lite arc detection system is a version of the full Falcon Arc Detection system that is suitable for LV switchgear. Like the full Falcon Arc Detection system, it detects arcing faults within 1ms.

UTU ARC Protection System-Falcon

An electric arc short-circuit is an infrequent switchgear fault where an explosion-like heat and pressure effect causes large material damage and jeopardises the safety of operational staff. The aim is to protect people and property in the event of an electric arc fault. The protection is established by measuring the light in a panel or…

PS2000/E – Refurbishment and evolution of CEE PS2000 systems

Products family : SCADA Sector : Supervision, Generation, Industry From the beginning of the 1980s until its acquisition in July 2000, CEE has installed many systems of supervision of HV networks , and in particular the PS2000 system. While still efficient , these systems come gradually obsolescence phase. ICE offers an powerful and economic solution…

PS8000 Energy – The core of PS8000 system

Products family : SCADA Sector : Supervision, Generation, Industry, Railway Based on ZENON and STRATON, by COPA -DATA , PS8000 Energy is the PS8000 system software part . The supervisor PS8000 Energy was developed with the latest technologies and have a lot of integrated or optional modules: • Animated multi screen view • Client /…

PS8000 – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

Products family : SCADA Sector : Supervision, Generation, Industry, Railway To fulfil the need of managers to assure the continuity of installations and the security of their staff, ICE proposes a financially accessible and evolving system called PS8000. The main part of this new generation system is the scada software called PS8000 Energy. It allows…

PGTN1 – Transformer Protection

Products family : Transformer Protection Sector : Railway The digital relay PGTN1 protects transformers for electric traction, in charge of feeding catenaries with 25 kV or 2 X 25 kV, 50 or 60 Hz voltages. The PGTN1 also features functions that help network operation: assistance to the maintenance of the circuit breakers, disturbance and events…

NPI800 / NPIR800 & NPI800R – Phase and Earth Overcurrent Relay

Products family : Current Protection Sector : Industry, Railway NPI800 / NPIR800 & NPI800R provide the three-phase and earth fault overcurrent protection for medium and high voltage electrical networks. These multi-function relays supervise phase to phase and phase to earth faults, negative sequence currents, thermal state of the protected device and the good operating of…

PMRT800 – Portable Voltage Reference

Products family : Feeder Protection Sector : Transmission The PMRT-800 is a mobile protective equipment to be used on structures of the transmission network during voltage recovery tests files to the auxiliaries of nuclear units. This equipment enables the elimination of defects in these specific conditions where other network protections may not function.  

PTPN1 – Transformer Primary Protection

Products family : Sector : Transmission  

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Caulfield North,
3161 VIC, Australia

Telephone: +61 (0) 430 149 665