
Disconnector Motorised Control Cubicles Imcc

SMART ROBUST MOTOR OPERATING MECHANISM  FOR CONTROLLING AND MONITORING DISCONNECT SWITCHES  REAL TIME MONITORING A TRULY RELIABLE INDICATOR COMPATIBLE WITH ANY SWITCH iMCC is an intelligent and robust motor operating mechanism for controlling and monitoring disconnect switches. It offers variable speed control, monitoring, SCADA signaling, optional IEC 61850/DNP 3.0 communication protocols, optical positioning and more. Robust…

BM Online Condenser Bushing Power Factor and Capacitance Monitors

Condenser bushings are accessories applied on high and extra-high voltage equipment, such as power transformers, shunt reactors and high voltage circuit breakers.  In general, despite the equipment’s individual cost being relatively low as compared to the overall cost of the equipment to which it is attached, a failure in the bushing’s insulation can bring about…

Cables and Overhead Lines DTS

Distributed Temperature Monitoring of Energy Transmission and Distribution Systems Ensuring a Reliable Supply of Electrical Power for Today’s World 40,000m range, IEC 61850, 1m spacial resolution Load Management – Optimization and Safe Grid Operation As demand for electricity continues to grow, so do the challenges to power companies and power grids. The liberalisation of power supply…

GMP Periscope – Enhanced Dissolved Gases and Moisture in Insulating Oil Sensor

Monitoring the presence and evolution of gases dissolved in insulating oil of high voltage equipment such as power transformers and reactors, is an effective tool for diagnosing its operation conditions. However, measurements of these gases in the laboratory, through tests of gas-chromatography in oil samples collected periodically can allow a problem to start and evolve…

Fibre Optic Linear Heat Detector for Fire Detection

  Optimum Safety in Tunnels and Special Hazard Buildings 10,000m Detection range. Or 4 times up to 6,000m LIOS DE.TECT is developed for efficient and pinpoint fire detection in road and rail tunnels. Since its initial introduction in 1997, it has revolutionized the safety standard in underground transport facilities as it enabled the complete monitoring…

Fibre Optic Temperature Measurement in Process Engineering

Fibre Optic Temperature Measurement in Process Engineering

The primary considerations in the design and operation of processing facilities are safety and protecting the environment. Both concerns are dependent upon to maintaining the integrity of the many vessels and lines containing potentially hazardous chemicals, and the two most critical parameters affecting these containment devices are temperature and pressure. It is absolutely essential to…

LNG and LPG Containment Integrity Monitoring Solutions

LIOS provides an integrated cryogenic plant monitoring system for LNG or LPG storage facilities, liquefaction, re-gasification, peak-shaving comprising of: Leak Detection, Foundation Monitoring and Pipeline Monitoring The use of natural gas will increase significantly in the next decades necessitating the erection of additional transport infrastructure. Even the transport via gas pipelines is widely used nowadays…

Optical Coil Protection – Temperature Monitoring of Induction Furnaces

Monitoring Refractory Linings – Dependable protection of the induction coil against overheating and, the more so, against contact with molten metal is of vital importance for ensuring safe and reliable operation of an induction furnace. Crucible cracks and erosion are detected and localised reliably and precisely and normal refractory wear is under close control. Properly…

Online Monitoring of Power Transformers with AE SENSOR HIGHWAY II™

Introduction and Overview The Sensor Highway System™ is an Acoustic Emission (AE) Monitoring System with up to 16 high-speed monitoring channels and 4 parametric input channels. The Sensor Highway II™ has been developed for unattended use in “Asset Integrity Monitoring” management and condition monitoring applications.  The system consists of a 16 channel unit (node) in…

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Caulfield North,
3161 VIC, Australia

Telephone: +61 (0) 430 149 665