
SPS – Parallelism Supervisor

The Synchronous Parallelism Supervisor SPS is a device developed by Treetech for control and supervision of parallel operation of power transformers equipped with a load tap changer.  The SPS incorporates  functions of a range of equipment that, in the past, were used to control parallel transformers, such as position indicators, auxiliary relays for electro-mechanical  logic,…

TI – Insulated Transducer

The Insulated Transducer (TI) is used inmonitoring and protection systems for power transformers and reactors. Its function is to convert analog signals from temperature sensors (RTD), position of taps (potentiometric transmitters of on-lap tap changers), or current loop (signals in mA) into output values proportional to the input values. In the case of a RTD…

TS – Temperature Supervisor for Oil-immersed Transformers

Thermal monitoring of oil-immersed transformers is essential for their safe operation.  This is the case not only for large-scale equipment, but also for medium-sized transformers and distribution transformers, thus achieving maximum return from the investment in these assets without jeopardizing their life cycle. The Temperature Supervisor’s competitive cost allows the inclusion of thermal monitoring for…

PI – Tap Position Indicator

The Tap Position Indicator (PI) consists of a microprocessor based electronic device capable of monitoring and modifying, through the load tap changer (LTC), the positions of power transformer taps. The PI incorporates  the functions of multiple devices  that  were previously used for controlling the transformers LTC,  such as selector switches Manual/Automatic and Local/Remote, manual  control…

RR – Rapid Auxiliary Relay

RR – Rapid Auxiliary Relay

he function of the Rapid Auxiliary Relay – RR is to multiply a signal into several independent contacts without a substantial time delay in its transmission. The importance of the response time may be noticed, for instance, when the relay is used in protection systems for power transformers, where a small delay in the emission…

DTM -Temperature Monitor for Dry Transformers, Motors and Generators

Thermal monitoring of electrical equipment,  such as dry transformers, motors, generators and others is essential in operating them safely, thus allowing maximum return from the investment in these assets to be achieved without jeopardizing their life cycle. The DTM Temperature Monitor has three temperature reading inputs (optional fourth input), allowing monitoring of multiple temperatures.  A…

MBR – Membrane/Bag Rupture Relay

The Membrane/Bag Rupture Relay – MBR is a device capable of detecting the rupture of the rubber membrane or bag used in oil preservation systems on power transformers and reactors. The MBR is comprised of an optical sensor that must be mounted on the membrane or inside the rubber bag (on the air side), and…

MO – Online Moisture in Oil Monitor

Excess water in the insulating oil of high voltage equipment, such as transformers and reactors, causes well known adverse effects. High moisture content will cause reduction in dielectric rigidity and migration of water into the insulating paper, with the risk of formation of bubbles and accelerated aging in the presence of high temperatures, thus jeopardizing…

CBS – Circuit Breaker Supervisor

Nowadays there is an increasing concern about the electric system reliability. All the essential equipment must be monitored continually so that the system can operate with minimum interruptions. The circuit-breakers and blocking relays are some of these essential assets, so they have to be maintained in operational condition to perform in case of serious faults…

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