Oil & Gas

VPAC™II IS | Intrinsically Safe Through-Valve Loss Control Instrument
KEY FEATURES • Large custom LCD backlit display • Dual frequency range selection • Accepts many types of sensors • Slide-in molded NiMh battery pack • Small, rugged, ergonomic package • Simple, intuitive user interface via a large button keypad • Bluetooth data transfer SAVINGS IN MILLIONS Statistical experience has shown that in oil and gas plants…

LNG and LPG Containment Integrity Monitoring Solutions
LIOS provides an integrated cryogenic plant monitoring system for LNG or LPG storage facilities, liquefaction, re-gasification, peak-shaving comprising of: Leak Detection, Foundation Monitoring and Pipeline Monitoring The use of natural gas will increase significantly in the next decades necessitating the erection of additional transport infrastructure. Even the transport via gas pipelines is widely used nowadays…

Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature DTS Monitoring for Oil & Gas
Oil reservoirs represent a harsh environment for sensitive electronic components. Equipment deployed downhole must be able to perform 100 % reliably while with- standing heat, pressure, moisture, vibration, and corrosion. Breakdowns can cause unacceptable delays and lost output costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. LIOS Technology offers the most reliable and functional continuous downhole temperature…

Gas Flow Measurement-Flare & Vent Gas FOCUS® 2.0 Optical Flow Meter
Advanced, cost effective system forgas velocity and volumetric flow rate measurements independent of pressure, temperature and gas composition. The Focus®2.0 Optical Flow Meter is used by oil and gas companies around the world to measure and monitor the flow of flare gases in oil production. Flaring is the burning of the waste natural gas associated…