Acoustic Monitoring Systems AMS for HRSG
The Acoustic Monitoring System is used for early tube leak detection on pulverized coal power boilers, recovery boilers, feedwater heaters and Heat Recovery Steam Generators, HRSG. The Triple 5 AMS-3 for early tube leak detection has been used in conventional power boilers very successfully over the past 25 years. Non- invasive sensors, mounted on…

SteamPAC™ Hand-held Valve Leak Detection System
SteamPAC™ Surveys Steam Valves and Traps While In Service Identifying Valve Leaks! This Handheld leak detection system identifies and quantifies through-valve loss of normally-closed steam valves for power generation. “In 2007 a major mid-west utility with a 690-MW unit, found and repaired leaking cycle valves with SteamPAC™. This improved the condenser’s back-pressure allowing them to realize…