Acoustic Monitoring Systems-Leaks, PD, Vibration

Acoustic Monitoring Systems AMS for Power boilers, Feedwater heaters and Recovery boilers

The MISTRAS | TRIPLE 5 Acoustic Monitoring System is used for early tube leak detection on pressurized vessels such as pulverized coal or gas fired power boilers, recovery boilers and feedwater heaters. The Triple 5 AMS™ for early tube leak detection has been used in conventional power boilers very successfully over the past 25 years….

Online Monitoring of Power Transformers with AE SENSOR HIGHWAY II™

Introduction and Overview The Sensor Highway System™ is an Acoustic Emission (AE) Monitoring System with up to 16 high-speed monitoring channels and 4 parametric input channels. The Sensor Highway II™ has been developed for unattended use in “Asset Integrity Monitoring” management and condition monitoring applications.  The system consists of a 16 channel unit (node) in…

Intranet/Internet Remote Monitoring Software & Systems

Acoustic emission has been proven to be a highly effective method for on-line plant asset management for critical status monitoring of materials, structures and processes.  Increasing demands for on-line plant asset management mandates the use of Intranet (LAN) or Internet condition monitoring. Physical Acoustics Corporation has pioneered the acoustic emission remote monitoring market with the early introduction of…

P3™ power plant predictive Maintenance Analyzer

P3™ Power Plant Predictive Maintenance Analyzer

In 2007 a major mid-west utility with a 690- MW unit, found and repaired leaking cycle valves  with  P3™  (SteamPAC).    This  improved the condenser’s back-pressure allowing them to realize a reduction in overall heat rate resulting in a savings of $1.6 Million in 2008. Today’s aging fossil fuel plants need a comprehensive predictive maintenance (PdM)…

Bus Bar Fault Case Study 02-5-2002

Generator Step Up (GSU) Transformer, 25/500 kV, 784 MVA, FOA, Westinghouse, three phase, two pumps groups, shell form. This unit started gassing the last month of 2001 after being in service for more than 20 years. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) indicated the existence of overheating by all seven methods applied. The gas generation rate increased…

Autotransformer Core Degradation Case Study 5-01-2005

  In 2003, a bank of three single-phase autotransformers,500/230/13.8 kV, OA/FA/ FA class, 146/194/243 MVA capacity, core type, was installed in a substation on the East Coast of the United States. These transformers replaced three single-phase unitsthat were in operation since1965. Thermal faults were detected on those units usinga combination of Dissolved GasAnalysis and Acoustic…

Fault Detection On-Line Monitoring

Transformer On-line monitoring Case Study 206 2006 October 2006 – April 2007 3 phase, 300/336 MVA, 230/100/44 kV  FOA Class This transformer exhibited periodic sudden increases of combustible gases. The unit was tested acoustically in June 2006, two areas of acoustic activity detected A DGA was performed using a portable gas chromatograph DGA indicated a…

Services & Products for Power Transformers

MISTRAS Group Inc., has been a leader in the evaluation of Power Transformers for over 20 years.  Over the years, we have developed state of the art instrumentationand successful test procedures to help maintenance engineers make decisions based on the actual condition of equipment. Field Testing of Power Transformers We have been continuously improving our…

HRSG Stub Header With Tube Leaks

Acoustic Monitoring Systems AMS for HRSG

  The Acoustic Monitoring System is used for early tube leak detection on pulverized coal power boilers, recovery boilers, feedwater heaters and Heat Recovery Steam Generators, HRSG. The Triple 5 AMS-3 for early tube leak detection has been used in conventional power boilers very successfully over the past 25 years. Non- invasive sensors, mounted on…

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3161 VIC, Australia

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