MISTRAS Triple 5 Industries

MISTRAS_Triple5 logoTriple 5 Industries located in, New Jersey, USA is a leading designer and manufacturer of on-line acoustic leak detection systems (AMS) used to detect and locate leaks and other condition related problems in pressurized vessels including power boilers, recovery boilers and feedwater heaters.

Triple 5’s AMS-2 and AMS-3 Boiler Tube Leak Detection Systems, with several hundred installations proving their value as 24/7 monitoring devices, use advanced technology to identify and locate leaks in all areas of the boiler including the furnace, waterwall, condensers, economizer, penthouse, dead air space, superheat and reheat sections.

Find the problem before it finds you!

Triple 5’s On-line Systems, Bench Top and Portable leak detecting equipment will help you locate problem areas in the early stages before they grow too large causing longer down times, higher repair costs and possible harm to employees.

Triple 5 also markets the range of acoustic fault detectors for power electrical applications. The 50FD Fault Detector portable series detects partial discharge (as well as failure modes in pumps, fans, tap changers) in power transformers, circuit breakers, dead-tank breakers, CT’s, VT’s  and can be used in Switchyard/Substation Predictive Maintenance Programmes.

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Contact Us

Unit 1 195 Kooyong Rd,
Caulfield North,
3161 VIC, Australia

Telephone: +61 (0) 430 149 665
Email: sales@martecassetsolutions.com.au