ICE Protection & Control

ICE-PC-NeB1 LogoICE SA is an independent French company specialised in design, production, sales and marketing of protection and control devices for electrical networks.

Our products and systems are intended for protection and control of industrial, production, railway, transmission or distribution networks.

From its very beginning, ICE has turned towards professionals implementing the most advanced technologies, focused on electrical network protection, automation and regulation systems for world-class clients including, in its domestic market, EDF, RTE and SNCF.

The group’s technical expertise has constantly been upgraded through technological developments (from electromechanical and electronics to digital technologies).

Your protection and automation applications are our concern.

For over 60 years ICE specialised in the most advanced technologies relating to electrical networks protection, automation and regulation systems.

These are supported by expertly tailored solutions and services (such as network studies, on-site services or training) offered to companies of all sizes around the world.

Complete management of electrical networks, from generation to end-user that needs to be thoroughly examined in order to find ways to reduce operating and maintenance costs. These fundamental issues continue to guide the Group today.


In the different fields of industry, T&D and railways, three brand names continue to excel – ICE, CEE and TECHNIREL.

ICE manufactures numerous highly reliable products that include the necessary intelligence and performance to optimise the exploitation of electrical supply networks.

CEE covers the range of protection and control systems mainly dedicated to industrial electrical networks.

TECHNIREL manufactures controllers for excitation, regulation, synchronisation and control of motors and turbo alternators.

The international head office is located near Paris (France) including the management, financial, R&D and sales teams. They have agents and subsidiaries around the world to answer your needs and support your projects. International subsidiaries are situated close to London (UK), Madrid (Spain) and Milan (Italy).

All relays are manufactured in the factory at Brie-Comte Robert, located 30 minutes from the head office. The factory comprises manufacturing, warehouse facilities, purchasing, quality assurance and after-sales service departments in accordance with ISO 9001 V2008 and ISO 14001 V2004 standards. Their quality is guaranteed by continuous monitoring of the process and automatic tests conducted in the factory. These tests insure the reliability, the conformity to the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards, as well as electromagnetic compatibility according to the European directives (CE marking).

Former CEE Subsidiaries, now in the ICE group, dedicated to the supply of Protective Relays and Associated Equipment and the Study of Electrical Networks are:

CEE Relays Ltd.

Based near London, the British subsidiary supplies products and services to companies in the united kingdom and Eire.

Continental de Equipos Eléctricos

Based in Madrid, the Spanish subsidiary supplies products and services to companies in Spain and South America.

CEE Italiana S.r.l.

Based in Milan, the Italian subsidiary supplies products and services to companies in Italy. The following French Subsidiaries bring Diversity, Skill and Expertise to the Group with Various High-Tech Products and Services:


Its main activity is engineering and consulting for electronics, technical and industrial IT.


Engineering and consulting mechatronic company for all trades of mechanical



Designs, manufactures and sells equipment for safe work at heights including ladders, platforms, footbridges, motorised equipments and fences.


Specialises in HF communication techniques, especially in high frequency broadcasting (107.7 mhz on fm band and 900 mhz).


Sells, designs and conducts research into components for electromagnetic compatibility, thermal flow management and customised connections.

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Contact Us

Unit 1 195 Kooyong Rd,
Caulfield North,
3161 VIC, Australia

Telephone: +61 (0) 430 149 665